Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tahuko dot Com

This post is a special one for all Gujarati(s).

If you are in love with music and admire those beautiful creations from veterans of
Gujarati Sangeet Jagat, here is a awesome collection you would love to take a look at.


I will call it a beautiful collection of pearls from the ocean of Gujarati Sangeet. A wonderful work done by Jayshree.

Thanks, Jayshree for putting up such a nice collection.

Your site definitely deserves a direct link from this blog.


Jayshree said...

Thank You, Shrenik.
Thanks a lot...

Its the love for Gujarati Music and appreciation from friends like you, which keeps me motivated to always try to do better and better at

Anonymous said...

The material was furnished by a reminiscence from mythology, The sickle was the one with which Zeus castrated his father; the scythe and the likeness of the peasant represented Kronos, the violent old man who eats his children and upon whom Zeus wreaks vengeance in so unfilial a manner.. Reprinted by permission of the publishers.. Owing to the behavior of my double, or, if you please, to that public pressure which compelled me to employ him, I have plenty of leisure to write this communication.. But it ain't any better than it was, he concluded, as he passed out.. Five facts of first magnitude were made obvious to the world by his interpretation of dreams.. I will go to his hotel at once and see what arrangement has been made.. What is orthography? said an inspector once, in our presence.. Transient custom was hoped to hold its own, and that of the county people under the deputy's patronage and influence to be considerably enlarged.. This picture had, after all, nothing to do with him.. Anyways, I've got my opinion and I'll risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.. But here he was, and all the broader-chested and stouter-armed for his labors in the harvest-field.. They were waiting for Ralph to come out and join his parents.. That which is rejected by the censorship is, according to our definition, in a state of repression.. Their board money for the month would be due in three days.. The figure of the emperor is placed in the center in a firmly erect posture; special care is bestowed on the proper modelling of his figure; his enemies are seen cowering at his feet; but he is no longer represented a giant among dwarfs.. The Colonel spent that afternoon in making diplomatic inquiries.. As she sat with folded hands her eyes fell upon--what? The pink bonnet with the blue plume! It may appear strange to those who do not understand such natures, but to me her next action was perfectly natural.. Absalom Billingslea, and Other Georgia Folk (1888), by Richard Malcolm Johnston (Harper & Brothers).. Jacobus, I replied, conscious of some irritability.. I saw that the dear woman had yet one question to ask, and had been earnestly hoping to hear something that would spare her the necessity of asking...