Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Door to Door: Power of +ve Energy

Allow me to greet you and tell you a little about myself. As Watkins Associate Bill Porteryou probably know, I have cerebral palsy. The "world" told me I could never earn an income, my mother told me I could, and my father told me I must! And so I have, and still do. I am NOT dead (as people keep reporting), but nearly 73. Although physically less active, I still phone my long-time customers for their orders and to keep abreast of what is changing in their lives.

Guys, These are the words from one great salesman I ever knew about...

He is Bill Porter, the great salesman at Watkins working hard always to greet all the challenges of life with his phenomenal will to succeed.

I just came across this movie named "Door to Door" which is based on Bill's real life story, and after watching this I must say it has successfully ignited all my emotions to be determined for NOTHING ELSE BUT SUCCESS!

Bill is somewhere around his early 20's when the movie starts. He is suffering from cerebral palsy which doesn't allow him to talk smoothly or even tie his shoelaces on his own... he goes and grabs a job of a salesman who goes door to door knocking to sell the company's products. He faces lots of criticism from all around and still he sticks to his job as a salesman.

Initially he was well motivated by his mother and he starts of with small baby steps in his career as a salesman. Later the reality of life hits him hard, where he faces challenges every where in his personal life and still he keeps hitting hard as a salesman. The person who was dependent on his mother during his 20's starts taking care of his mother as if she is under 20's and yet keep working hard on his job as a salesman.

Making relations with people and converting them into his customers never stops despite of challenges he was facing in his life. He keeps on working hard, living life as it comes and moving ahead with time, finally reaches a stage where he was the best salesman at Watkins... grabbing "Salesman of the Year" title.

Humble character with mighty will and strongest desire to succeed keeps him moving all the time. I have never seen such a person in my life, and I must say my all emotions are charged to follow his foot steps. I am inspired by the spark of his personality and I am all set to buy a personal copy of this movie "Door to Door".

Guys, its a must watch movie for all of us, as we all are facing pressures all around our life. We can't even afford to think about letting ourselves down against a single odd thing after watching this movie...

I think I have experienced the Power of Positive Energy and if you too wanna feel the same, just get your movie player loaded with "Door to Door" ("Highly recommended" - Shrenik)


Monday, November 13, 2006

Words of Wisdom

Here is something to take into account for our lives...

When you are sharing your joy, you don´t create a prison for anybody —
you simply give. You don´t even expect gratitude or thankfulness,
because you are giving, not to get anything, not even gratitude.
You are giving because you are so full, you have to give.

- Osho ( My all time favorite)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Trek to Korigadh


As promised, I am setting up a blog dedicated to Korigadh Trekking.

Keep watching for those beautiful moments.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mission Korighad


Yesterday, I got a chance to visit Korigadh, the fort located at just 30 mins drive from Lonavala.

Reaching at top was a good time. Moving through ruff terrains, crossing streams and puddles and moving inches close to bushes... I call it a luxury of life, if you are living in a city like Mumbai.

Though I enjoy drizzles when I am out to enjoy, this time my fingers were crossed through out our journey as I was eager to capture every moment in camera.

Weather was excellent through out the day. Partly cloudy - partly sunny, just right for a trek like this. I could see some glances of beautiful western ghats while we were on the way to top. But after reaching on top I realized what a strategic location was chosen by Shivaji the Great Maratha! Words are not enough the describe the beauty of this jewel.

We spent 2 hours on top of this fort, moving around in all directions and enjoying those wide wide wide horizons made up of beautiful mountain ranges. This has been added to my memory's special corner "Memorable Experience of my Life".

I have managed to capture around 250+ pictures of this trek. Will upload them soon. Keep watching this space and of course http:\\

Saturday, July 29, 2006

[Self Help:] The One Minute Manager

Here comes one more review on one minute series.

The One Minute Manager, is a very precise and crisp presentation about managing professional relationships.

The credo of the one-minute manager rests on the implementation of three ideas, namely: the need to establish clear-cut goals, the need to praise good performance, and the need to reprimand people when their performance fails to contribute to the attainment of commonly agreed goals. This three basic ideas are known as the three secrets of the one minute manager, namely: one-minute goals, one-minute praisings and one-minute reprimands.

A must read for all professionals.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

The One Minute Apology


Recently read a book "The One Minute Apology" by Ken Blanchard, Margret McBride.

Before you say you're sorry, you have to admit that you are wrong; Not every one can do this easily. We often use the word sorry in our relations and with the people who touches our lives, but how often we think it through before saying sorry.

This delightful story highlights the wisdom and power that is contained in an honest admission of being wrong. "Learning to apologize has to be an irrefutable law". This book is not a manipulative technique for getting what you want. It is a testimony to what the power of repentance and its related power of forgiveness can do to improve or repair relationships, your business and even your home.

Its about being honest with your self. Being in any situation, you have to be honest and ask your self a simple truth; if there is something going wrong? if there is something to be unhappy about? if there is something that needs to be improved?

Once you find out the truth you are not dealing with; surrender your self. Admit that there is soemthing wrong and you need to make up for it. Apologize for your act and share how you feel about it.

After recognizing what is inconsistent with what you want to be, demonstrate your commitment to not to repeat the act by changing your behavior. Take responsibility of the situation and thoughtfully do the needful!

That's it... ! Apologizing is never as easy before reading this book.

I'll say worth a read!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Meditation: Everything Converges in Your Being

Just sit under a tree. The breeze is blowing and the leaves of the tree are rustling. The wind touches you, it moves around you, it passes. But don’t allow it just to pass you; allow it to move within you and pass through you. Just close your eyes, and as it is passing through the tree and there is a rustling of the leaves, feel that you are also like a tree, open, and the wind is blowing through you ― not by your side but right through you.

The rustling of the tree will enter in you, and you will feel that from every pore of your body the air is passing. It is really passing through you. It is not only imagination, it is a fact ― you have forgotten. You are not only breathing through the nose, you are breathing through the whole body ― from every pore of it, from millions of pores. If you are allowed to breathe through your nose, but all the pores of your body are closed, painted, you will die within three hours. You cannot be alive just by breathing through the nose. Every cell of your body is a living organism, and every cell is breathing. The air is really passing through you, but you have lost the contact. So sit under a tree and feel.

In the beginning it will look like imagination, but soon it will turn into a reality. It is a reality ― that the air is passing through you. Then sit under a rising sun, and not only feel that the rays of the sun are touching you, but that they are entering you and passing through you, so you become vulnerable, you begin to feel open.

The ego is the barrier. When you feel you are, you are so much that nothing can enter in you. You are filled with your own self. When you are not, then everything can pass through you. You have become so vast that even the divine can pass through you. The whole existence is now ready to pass through you, because you are ready. So the whole art of religion is how not to be, how to dissolve, how to surrender, how to become an open space.

Osho: Excerpted from The Book of Secrets

HAIKU: Freedom from Oneself

Immobile haze.
Moon, spring, sleep.
- Kyorai

He is saying this is what life is: “Immobile haze. Moon, spring, sleep” — simple, no complication.

A sannyasin lives a life of such simplicity: the moon, the spring, the sleep — and he is fulfilled. A little immobile haze, and then arises the moon, then comes the spring — there are flowers — and then the sleep.

If you can conceive life in such simple terms — a little dance, a little love, a little playfulness, a little laughter, a little music, and then comes the eternal sleep, life becomes just a small drama. Soon the drama will be over. The acceptance that the drama will be over, that we are just players in a game which is not going to last forever — we will have to vacate the place for other players — then life becomes very simple, without any complexity and without any competition. One lives silently, peacefully, and prepares himself for the eternal peace, the eternal silence, the eternal sleep.


The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself

Saturday, June 10, 2006

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Happy Reading!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Classic Composition

ishq junoon jab hadh se badh jaaye - 2
hanste hanste aashiq suli chadh jaaye .....

ishq ka jaadu sar chadhkar bole
khoob laga lo pehre raste rab khole.....

yahi ishq ki marzi hain
yahi rab ki marzi hain
yahi ishq ki marzi hain
yahi rab ki marzi hain
tere bin jeena kaisa

tune kya kar dala marr gayi main mitt gayi main
ho ri ha ha ri ho gayi main
teri deewani deewani
teri deewani deewani

Guys, if you feel charged up looking at this words, believe me you are a soul who appreciates good composition.

These are words from the song Teri Deewani - by Kailash Kher. With the release of his album KAILASA, he has given few good compositions and Teri Deewani is one of them.

This song starts with classic vocal of Kailash Kher, slowly it ramps up with guitar and finally drums and synthesizer pitches inn. Full credits to the lyricist, who has successfully built an image of a crazy lover girl along the song. I will say, Kailash Kher has given everthing that he had in this song. Listening to it, one could feel the character, that lyricist had portrayed in words.

As I wrote above, if you are a soul thriving for good music, you would love to add this song in your favorite playlist. What say Smitha? Ajay Patel? Rishikesh?

Album Info:
Singer: Kailash Kher
Music Director: Kailash Kher, Paresh, Naresh
Lyrics: Kailash Kher
Year: 2006

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Quote of the Day

They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price."

--Kahlil Gibran,
author, poet, artist

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Is the Cryosphere sending signals about climate change?


Are you concerned with the raising temperature levels across the globe?

How the melting of ice in one corner of world influences al neno, which inturn impacts the monsoon in India?

Here the place where you can find some statistical data about global warming.

Check out some details on National snow and ice data center @

This site provides time-series data for Northern Hemisphere snow cover, mountain glacier fluctuations, sea ice extent and concentration, changes in ice shelves, and global sea level. It also provides a snapshot of current permafrost conditions.

I am sure we all are conscious about Green house effects and will take enough care of our planet to breath easy.

Chill out guys, lets see what happens to temperature levels in India this summer!

Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I am back


Sorry for such a long silence...!!

I was just busy catching up with life. And now, I am back!!!

Lots of things have happend within span of last 3-4 months. I shifted from Pune to Mumbai, consequently I changed my Job as well. My dad underwent couple of operations in the same time. At times it was a race to survive, at times it was fight against the odds of life.

Well!! Here I am back, recharged with all new thoughts and ideas to share.

Keep watchin this space.


Friday, March 03, 2006

The High School Crush

Me: Don't tell me you never had a crush in school or college man!?

After a brief pause, the crackpot Mr. Sarcastic Dickens (SD) goes:

Mr.SD: Of course I had a crush.On my school teacher...

Me: No that is not counted...

Mr.SD: ...but he rejected me.


-Courtesy Suman Kumar (

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Five Levels Of Programming

Hi All,

This one is dedicated to, all my programmer friends in IT.

Wanna comment about your level ?

The Five Levels Of Programming
Just a mental exercise to distinguish multiple "levels" of programmers.

Some of the observations are India and Bangalore specific but the various "types" should beidentifiable everywhere.

Level 1 : the Novice/the Charlatan At the very bottom we have the "great unwashed hordes" - people who studied computer science because "they said that's the best way to get a job" ".The focus for these people are to get into "better " companies (where "better" is defined as "bigger") and move up the career ladder to become a manager as soon as possible.This is the person who seriously believes in iso 9000/cmm level 5 etc as "improving productivity". .On the brighter side this level also include s a lot of people just out of school and who love to program. and are eager to change the world.

Level 2 :The Expert This is the guy who knows everything aboout one particular piece of technology . It could be jsp, weblogic,C++ /the PIC microcontroller/whatever. This is the guy who'll tell you what's happening when a particular problem occurs with the technology he is an expert in.("oh just go to a config file foo and change blah to baz" ).Unfortunately in India, even this level of expertise is pretty thin on the ground. Not surprising when you see that most "IT" jobs don't want really intelligent people. (A friend's HR Manager actually asked him to select the "less talented people" when he conducted interviews beacuse the "hacker types won't like our company". Not very surprising when you get a job because you are cheap(er) than because you are good.) The distinguishing characterisitic of the expert is when people in his team /company say " hmm That's a difficult problem let's call in Mr.x "

Level 3 :The Thinker People at this level think about what they are doing and ask a great number of intelligent questions. Most often they use the simple "why" and other "dumb questions" to investigate . This stage is also marked with growing dissatisfaction about the state of the world and a feeling of "I could do better than that " when they see a piece of sub optimal code/design. (This is similair to how a lot of writers start their careers - they read some tripe and say to themselves "this idiot got published? Why I could do better.").In my experience though a lot of otherwise excellent people "freeze" at this stage and never complete the leap across the chasm that separates them from

Level 4:The Hacker This is the person who has gone beyond wishing to actually writing some code , or perhaps writing a book about what he knows.What distinguishes him from a true guru is that his expertise is narrower in scope and he often does not redefine software programming (or a sub area thereof). The charcteristic that distinguishes hime from the "lower" level is that he is well known within his area of expertise. A good example of this type of person are the tech leads of open source projects like Hibernate or the author of a book like "Regular Expressions".These are true "bearers of light".

Level 5:The Guru These are the Martin Fowlers, the Peter Norvigs , the Stallmans and the Torvalds, the von Rossums and the Larry Walls. What they do profoundly changes the world of programming and influences how the rest of the world programs.