Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Past - Present - Future


Recently, I felt that I need to put more conscious efforts, towards living in moment and living in present. I found myself caught in a cocoon of past. Of course no metamorphosis was happening there inside.

Though I had idea about Osho's thought of "Living in the moment", still I wasn't able to get onto it and ride on the wave of time. I was pondering upon my reactions and behavior and I think I have got something to share again.

My experience says, its not difficult to come out of past if one desires, and even it is not difficult to stop worrying about future. What really makes it look hard is the lack of willingness to look into present and enjoy every moment that you are passing through.

Just need to wear the swim suit of willingness, put the oxygen gear of cheers and dive deep in the sea of moments present in front of you. Soon you will see the beautiful fishes of Joy and discover pearls of happiness all around.

There comes Osho again to rescue explaining "Living In The Moment"......


There has been a great misunderstanding between life and time. Time is thought to be consisting of three tenses: past, present, future — which is wrong.

Time consists only of past and future. It is life which consists of the present.

So those who want to live, for them there is no other way than to live this moment.
Only the present is existential.


Keep breathing..!!! ;)

1 comment:

Chirag said...

what I generally attempt to do is
-not to try forget about any unpleasantness of the past, rather try and look at those same events in the light of positvity.-
It means treating the unpleasant events of the past as learning experiences, growing experiences, steeping stones to being a better person, challenges etc.
It is only after such a successful attempt that I stop feeling bitter about the particular events of the past and its only I have stopped being bitter is when I can truely forget about it and concentrate on the present.
And hey ! I never would want to forget the pleasant happenings of my past, they are the ones that help me be positive when the present moment is not so pleasant.