Monday, May 30, 2005


Reading Osho is something I enjoy, like the way I enjoy sweets. Those who are close to me, knows my love for sweets very well. I can eat them anytime of the day!

Similarly I am always ready to read Osho Literature. Here I am sharing a thought from his literature, I just came across.

Post comments, if you have something to write in this regard.


Have you observed?

Any time when you are creative, sex disappears. If you are painting and totally absorbed into it, you don't have any sexual desire. Sex simply does not cross the threshold of your mind; it is simply not there. Only in deep creativity people are celibate, in no other way.

What say?


Asawari said...

Totally agreeing with this, also would like to add..

When you are doing any activity with full concentration, your energy is centralised with, focused on that activity. I feel, even during that time, people are celibate.

(This is just one thought crossed my mind. Please all of you pour in your thoughts to correct me.)

Shrenik said...


"Doing any activity with full concentration..." ???

Going with your words here, What if someone says "Having sex with full concentration....??? energy is centralised and focused....!!!"

I think concentration alone is not sufficient, it is one of the factors when people are celibate.

How can we explain if someone comes up talking about "creativity" along with sex!

Is it really possible??

Asawari said...

>>If you are painting and totally absorbed into it, you don't have any sexual desire.

Do we mean here by term "Absorbed" as synonemous to "Concentration"?

>>I think concentration alone is not sufficient, it is one of the factors when people are celibate.

I was saying same Bhidoo...:)

Keep on posting such. It just gives food for thought.

Anonymous said...


I would like to share my views on this:

I think one is celibate when one is completely detached from feelings or thoughts of sex. When the person is completely absorbed in some other activity, obviously sex can't intrude in his/her mind! So whatever we say either absorption or concentration of mind, the thing is when our mind is highly occupied by something we have very good interest in (Art or something other than sex), it will not get thought of sex. So we can say deep creativity is one way to be celibate.

But I would disagree with "Only in deep creativity people are celibate, in no other way." As meditation is the method where we are trying to get detached from all the things including sex without involving our mind in some creativity! And that is the ultimate and best way for one to be celibate!

Corrective thoughts are always welcome :)

Chirag said...

>> Only in deep creativity people are celibate, in no other way.

Guys, If we are talking here of a relatively small period of freeing the mind from sexual (like a few hours/days while a painter completes his painting). Then in that case, Apart from deep creativity, I believe that there a lot of other states of mind when people are able to keep their sexual desires away from their minds. From the top of my mind, I can think of the following, these apply to me, atleast at most times:

1. Playing with a child.
2. In conversation with a dear frein d/elders/younger cousins etc.
3. Watching high quality cartoon film/children's film.
4. Learning something new and interesting.
5. Eating/Cooking.
6. When I am deeply engrossed and am really enjoying my work. Actually, sometimes the feeling of acheving a small but important goal at work may turn out to be as pleasurable as sex.
7. Appreciating something really beautiful, eg. a waterfall, a beautiful scenary, watching young kids playing amongst themselves.
8. When I am really worried/ tense/ afraid of something.

I am sure there are a lot more of such other activities that all of us get involved in during which it is not normal for sexual thoughts to intrude the mind. And different individuals would have their own different list of such activities.

Do you guys think that this get qualified as celibacy similar to the one that one may experience in a state of deep creativity?

Also it would be interesting to know whether guys here think that it is important to curb one's sexual desires?

Shrenik said...


What you described here reminds me of the famous quote "Ideal Mind is Devil's Workshop"...

It looks like, you are trying to say that by just keeping your mind busy,you are able to keep the unwanted thoughts away.

I am sure Celibacy is not that. Its not about just keeping your sexual desires/thoughts away; rather removing their roots, that desire from one's mind is the intention behind pushing towards Celibacy.

>>Do you guys think that this get qualified as celibacy similar to the one that one may experience in a state of deep creativity?

... I think... YES! Because, It looks like Celibacy is absence of that sexual desire/thoughts... and thats true in both cases.

>>Also it would be interesting to know whether guys here think that it is important to curb one's sexual desires?

I will say, Curbing is not the right solution to approach this... we must get behind the reasons why wise men are asking as to get rid of sex?

What is so wrong with it??

How to look at this???

Waiting to know what others think here?