Friday, December 09, 2005

Ozone layer unlikely to recover until 2065


The earth is the only planet for you and me in this universe, to play and laugh. Let's be friendly to earth.


SAN FRANCISCO -- The ozone hole over Antarctica might persist until 2065, which is two decades longer than predicted, because ozone-destroying chemicals are still being released by developed nations more than a decade after their production and importation was banned.

The Montreal Protocol, ratified in 1987, banned the creation of chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons used as coolant by developed nations. It followed the discovery that such chemicals destroyed ozone molecules and thinned the layer of ozone that is about 20 miles above the Earth's surface. The layer shields the planet from ultraviolet radiation that causes cancer and cataracts and can harm wildlife.

read more....,1,5726852.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005

[Humor] What is Life?

What is Life
Getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work
and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for
- in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car,
and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it "
I would like to thank my teammate devayani for sending such a creative thought.
Hey "Yani", Thanks and keep it up :)

Friday, July 22, 2005

That's Life

Life is like having a cup of tea.
You sit by the side of the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip,
Only to realize, somebody forgot to put the sugar.
Too lazy to go for it you somehow struggle through the sugarless cup.
Until you discover undissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...

---That's Life

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Love should be a Decision, not an Emotion


Just came across this essay about love, felt that its worth sharing here.

Read through.


Love should be a Decision, not an Emotion
An essay by Rajiv Pant (Betul)

Love should be a decision, not an emotion. People should not fall in love,they should make a conscious decision about it. Falling in love is not bad in itself, but falling out of love is bad.

I'm not talking about casual love. This piece deals with the mate-seeking love between a man and a woman. There are other kinds of love and relationships. Some of the principles here may or may not apply there.

If there are worldly reasons for your loving someone, those reasons can one day go away. One day, you can meet another person who has those qualities,things, or even feelings for you more than this person you love today. As you grow and change as a person, and as your position in life and in society changes, your likes and dislikes change. What you were satisfied with once may not satisfy you anymore. You may even get bored of someone.

These reasons cause two people in love to fall apart. That is sad.

Love and marriage is a very important decision. It should be a very firm decision. You should stick by it because you made that decision. If you believe in God, it should be a decision you make in front of God.

We all make mistakes. There are often times when we do something that breaks another person's trust in us. That shouldn't be an issue in a relationship and especially not one in a marriage. A person's mistakes should not be able to break love because love should not be based on emotions or worldly things as I mentioned. It should be just a decision that both parties have firmly made in front of themselves, and if they believe in God, then in front of God.

Question. Decisions in life are often taken back, sometimes wisely. What about this one?

There are some decisions that you make in life not because of the consequences but because those decisions are based on your principles, your beliefs. They are based on who and what you are. If you go back on those decisions you upset the very fiber of your being. Love, the kind of love this essay deals with, should be such a decision. Remember, it should be a decision both of you make. The ideas in this writing are meant to be considered by both of you. One hand may clap, but it takes two to shake hands.

Do you say that divorce is wrong?
No. If the relationship is not based on a firm decision to be for one another, then the chances of separating are higher.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Sometimes we all feel that we are running low on energy, enthusiasm is lost somewhere within yourself...

Here comes my favorite piece of text which gave me tremendous charge to live life as and when needed. When ever you find your self lost in a strom... hold on! Take a deep breath and read through the most energetic thought!


If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It’s almost certain you won’t

If you think you will lose, you are lost
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in the state of mind

If you think you are out classed, you are
You have got to think high to rise
You have got to be sure of your self before
You can ever win a prize

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or the faster man
But sooner or later
The man who wins is the man

Are you ready for your battle?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Past - Present - Future


Recently, I felt that I need to put more conscious efforts, towards living in moment and living in present. I found myself caught in a cocoon of past. Of course no metamorphosis was happening there inside.

Though I had idea about Osho's thought of "Living in the moment", still I wasn't able to get onto it and ride on the wave of time. I was pondering upon my reactions and behavior and I think I have got something to share again.

My experience says, its not difficult to come out of past if one desires, and even it is not difficult to stop worrying about future. What really makes it look hard is the lack of willingness to look into present and enjoy every moment that you are passing through.

Just need to wear the swim suit of willingness, put the oxygen gear of cheers and dive deep in the sea of moments present in front of you. Soon you will see the beautiful fishes of Joy and discover pearls of happiness all around.

There comes Osho again to rescue explaining "Living In The Moment"......


There has been a great misunderstanding between life and time. Time is thought to be consisting of three tenses: past, present, future — which is wrong.

Time consists only of past and future. It is life which consists of the present.

So those who want to live, for them there is no other way than to live this moment.
Only the present is existential.


Keep breathing..!!! ;)

Monday, May 30, 2005


Reading Osho is something I enjoy, like the way I enjoy sweets. Those who are close to me, knows my love for sweets very well. I can eat them anytime of the day!

Similarly I am always ready to read Osho Literature. Here I am sharing a thought from his literature, I just came across.

Post comments, if you have something to write in this regard.


Have you observed?

Any time when you are creative, sex disappears. If you are painting and totally absorbed into it, you don't have any sexual desire. Sex simply does not cross the threshold of your mind; it is simply not there. Only in deep creativity people are celibate, in no other way.

What say?

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Here I am putting up a Poem (read in Gujju) "Maro Prem" which means "My Love".

I recently wrote this one to describe my feelings, my love. Hope you will like this.


Maro Prem!!

Maro Prem ek Nanu Balak che,
Jene angli pakdi ne chal vu che;
Maro Prem ek avo Jeev che,
Jene patangiya bani udvu che;
Maro Prem e maru swapna che
Jene mare sakar karvu che;

Jarror che e saharo aapnara haath ni,
Jarror che e patangiya ne ek phool ni,
Mara Prem na aaa nanakda chod ne,
Jarror che thodik maavjat ni;

Dodva mandshe chalta chalta,
Udva mandshe jot jota maan,
Aaa beej maan etli takat che
Mitho Chaaydo aapshe har ek samay maan.

Bas jarror che ek haath ni,
Jarror che ek phool ni,
Jarror che thodik maavjat ni, karan ke,
Maro prem e nanu balak che!!

- Tiku

Tiku, is my lovely childhood name given to me by my mother.
I just can't resist to write this one here as
the poem comes straight from the bottom of my heart.


My love is like a small child,
Who wants to hold the finger and enjoy walking,
My love is eager,
to fly around like a butterfly,
My love is my dream,
Which I want to come true.

Just a supporting hand is needed,
A lovely flower is needed,
for this little plant of my love,
A special care is needed.

It will start running soon,
It will fly around soon,
This seed is powerful enough,
will give cool shed in every noon.

Just a hand is needed,
One flower is requested,
All it needs is special care, beacuse
My love is a Small Child.
